Archive for April 2012

A+L+H = Love | All of us Together

I had the joy of having some family friends in the home studio today! Allan and Lauren brought their oh so adorable 1 month old Mr. H to have some family and baby pictures taken. Poor guy was so tired but he just really wasn't all that thrilled with

Creativity is the key!

I had a pretty awesome day today. I set out with my camera in hand and my hubby by my side to go capture some pictures of the Earth Day mural being painted down by the local Rona store. Rona supplied paints and brushes, the Potato House Project along

Individuality | Kim

Kim and I met last fall in Kamloops and right away we clicked. She's super fun, fashionable and such a big sweetie! We arranged to have coffee at Starbucks  to talk about her fashion shoots since she is trying to break into modelling and one Starbucks

A Mother's Day of Glamour Contest Nominations!

The Mother's day of Glamour contest is now officially closed! These are all the wonderful nominations that we received over the two week entry period! So many of them are so sweet and touching. It's amazing to see how much we all appreciate the hard

A Mom's Day of Glamor Contest!

 I'm so incredible excited to be teaming up with some awesome businesses around Williams Lake to bring our community this amazing contest to celebrate all the wonderful Mom's in town. It's going to fan-friggin-tastical, I can tell already! So

Kevin & Sara | Sweet Love

Kevin and Sarah are such an amazing couple. They were full of laughs and Kevin was definitely quite the goofball. We wandered around down by the river in Kamloops out by the Old Tranquille community called Padova. The sun was making little peek-a-boos

This year is a year for change and growth.

Photography is something that I love dearly and that I am 100% passionate about. I love meeting new people and sharing in their stories, challenges, experiences, and memories. Each client that I meet turn into friends and they teach me something new

Mom's Day of Glamor Contest coming very soon!

So we all know how much I love to give give and give some more to my community. Each year I try to come up with a new contest or a new way to give back to the amazing people of Williams Lake. I love being a part of a community that supports each other