A Mother's Day of Glamour Contest Winner!

After 2 weeks and 19 heart warming entries we finally have a winner! I was going to wait until the 4th of May to announce who won but I am so extremely excited for this contest that I couldn't even stand to wait a day. I'm grinning from ear to ear.

Before I explain how the winner was picked and announce the winner, I would like to give a huge and very BIG Thank You to the businesses that sponsored this contest. They have ever so generously donated their time and their services to make one Mom feel amazing this coming Mother's day. Some of these businesses I have worked with before and some of them I actually only had just met. It is truly amazing to see so many businesses in a community come together and that are willing to reach out to our community, and show our appreciation! So again, THANK YOU! You guys all rock! Here is a list of our sponsor's in case any one had missed who donated to this contest:

Dandelion Living
Satya Yoga Studio
Inner Balance Wellness Studio & Spa
Tickled Pink Beauty Bar
Adorn & Beauty Naturally
Amberama Do's & Esthetics
Taylor Made Cakes & Sweets
Williams Lake News & Events! As They Happen

There were some pretty amazing and tear making entries that came in. Since I myself am going to be a new mom this year, to hear all those stories about how much people in the community respect and love their Mamma's had me tearing up each time I read an entry. So I definitely want to say Thank You to everyone who participated and sent in entries for their Mamma's and even those who sent in entries for themselves. I truly wish we could give each and every Mom a day of glamour but we can only choose one. So here is how the winner was picked.

As I collected entries I gave each entrant a number. We had 19 entries so the numbers were distributed from 1 to 19 in no particular order to ensure that the contest is fair. After all entries were in I fired up the random generator which generated a number. The entrant with that corresponding number won! Fair and easy! I know some people might ask why doing it this way instead of it being a voting contest is because we all agreed on fairness and equality. Each entrant deserved a chance to win. If there were multiple entries for a particular person their name was still only entered once. This contest was about how much we appreciate Motherhood and we wanted to hear all the amazing stories out there. The nominations were to simply share why we love our Mothers and show them how much we care about them.

With all that being said its finally time to announce our winner! Drum roll please...........................

Bonnie-Jean Bathgate!!
Congratulations Bonnie! 

Bonnie-Jean's number #4 was generated on the RG.
Here is her entry story:
In Sept. 2000 we moved to Abbotsford. Well things seemed to be going along well, although the kids and I missed Williams Lake. Easter 2001 we suffered a house fire in which we lost everything. All we had left was the clothes on our back and the animals.Needless to say things continued to go downhill and we longed to be home. I had to sell all the livestock to get clothes for the kids and the necessities to get us by. We still missed how things used to be back on the farm and all the animals. Someone on my daughter's Facebook sent her a link to a miniature horse rescue society. There my daughter Emma Jarvis saw what we believed to be our miniature horse Cutie-Pie. As time went by over the last couple of months I forgot about the horse, knowing I could not afford to buy him back and then to have to try and find a place to keep him or even afford the keep to feed him and all the other things horses require.Emma called me up and asked if I wanted to come visit some horses she was looking after just up the road from me. When Emma picked me up, she took me to what I thought was the first stop, to put one horse in it's stall and feed it and then were to go to the persons house to feed the other critters, as she called them. When we arrived she asked me to go get the horse and put it in it's stall while she got it's grain and hay ready. She showed me some paddocks and that he was in the one with the green halter. I told I couldn't see a horse in there from where I stood and she was persistent that there was a horse in there and to just go get him. When I arrived at the paddock I was in total shock and burst into tears, as there in the paddock was our little guy Cutie-Pie. She went far above even the furthest star because she knew how happy it would make me to have our little baby back with us. I am so proud to have such a daughter who would love her mom so much to do such an incredible thing just to know how happy it would make me feel. This truly shows the love a daughter has for her Mom that I just had to share this incredible journey of heartbreak and to have it end in so much heartwarming reconnection. There truly are Angels among us, and I believe my daughter is one of the Angels here on Earth.

Bonnie-Jean's entry was a nomination for herself but it's awesome to hear when your amazing children go so far for you to make you happy. A wonderful reason to be a mom!

Just for clarification to show the fairness of this contest I have included the list of names below as well as a screen shot of the random generator. :) Again thank you to everyone who have participated and I can't wait to do this again next year!!! :)

Entrants Names

1. Tracy Roy
2. Donna Barbour
3.Mickaela Gainer
4. Bonnie-Jean Bathgate
5. Rhoda Wilburn
6. Jolene West
7. Gailene William
8. Joyce Gibbs
9. Jennifer Lachapelle
10. Cindy Davis
11. Cheryl Bailey
12. Stacy Dube
13. Heather Nyack
14. Patricia Petty
15. Maureen Lebourdais
16. Gloria Harford
17. Sonyia Tower
18. Jordan Wideman
19. Enda Lulua

Again thank you to all who participated! :)

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